Devin Castel


Devin Castle has undergone many changes over time. Archaeological studies estimate that the first buildings (Roman) date from the 5th century B.C. In the 13th century, a stone castle (Devin) was built to protect the western border of the Hungarian kingdom. From the 13th century to the 19th, many king (of Austria, Germany and Hungary) succeeded one another to the domination of this castle.
But in 1809, It was blown up by Napoleon’s army. The owners of the chateau, Palffy family made no effort to repair it. The castle fell into disrepair and in 1939, it became the property of Czechoslovakia for a symbolical sum of 1 000 crowns. In 1961, it was declared to be a national cultural monument.


The visit was organized by the ESN group of our school.  Accompanied by many ERASMUS, we took a bus in the city center of Bratislava.  About 20 minutes later we were at the foot of the castle.  We arrived in front of a very impressive stone door.  Then we entered the castle grounds.  We started an ascent of almost 1 km of walking.  Then we climbed many steps.  Once at the top of the castle the view was incredible.  This castle has a very strategic position.  Indeed, it is placed in Slovakia near the Austrian border.  And from this one, we could see the city of Bratislava, Vienna and the Alps. The watchtower is named the Maiden Tower. Because a legend tells that a bride jumped from here on the day of her marriage after her family killed her husband because they did not approve of it. Inside the castle, there is a round well which was dug in the 15th century and is 55 meters deep. At the foot of the castle, there are the foundations of a church from the time of Great Moravia.

To finish we wandered near the castle. There are many nice green spaces and the collide between the Danube and Morova rivers.

