The end of our Erasmus

We took the bus the 28th of March at 9 a.m. for 20 hours to come back to France. It was very long but we didn’t really had the choice. Indeed, the last few days in dormitories were very boring and news rules were implemented. But, we really hesitated to come back to France because even the situation wasn’t as we expected, it was better than in France. The fact is that the bus we took was probably our last mean of transport to come back before few months.

When we arrived at Paris our parents brought us back to home. For my part, when I arrived at home, I was isolated in my bedroom during one week, in case I had the virus, it was advised by doctors. This period was an original way to celebrate my birthday the 29th of March. 

This pictures has been taken just before departure in Bratislava, a lot of French student (including us) from all Slovakia were coming back to France.

Today, it’s been 3 weeks that we are at home and we are sad that the Erasmus is already finished. We didn’t have the time to know everybody, to speak with them, we didn’t have the time to discovered all the Slovakia’s typical dishes. Moreover we had plans of visiting the neighbouring countries and we just have been to Hungary before to go to Slovakia.
However we understand that it was better for us to come back to France. When we were at Bratislava, we didn’t really realize the hazardousness of the virus because even if Slovakia is a small country there is much less cases than a lot of countries.  

Aurélien & all.
